Based in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Station 10: Jesus is Crucified

Station 10: Jesus is Crucified

Station 10 Jesus Crucified by Gabriel Metsu.png

At last, the crowd reached the top of the hill. Three holes were dug to hold the crosses of Jesus and two criminals. Jesus was nailed to the cross in the middle, and as he hung there he asks his Father to forgive those in the crowd. 

As you read today’s scripture consider the depth of God’s forgiveness. That he, even while being crucified, would ask his Father to forgive his executioners.  

When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him and the criminals there, one on his right, the other on his left. [Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."]

(Luke 23: 33-34)

As you close out your time with God today ask him to forgive you. Confess whatever sin you may have in your life right now and ask God to forgive you just as he forgave those on Mount Skull. Close your time with the following prayer.

Lord Jesus Christ help us to be as forgiving as you. Teach us to love our neighbors even to the point of death. Allow us to use our love to do good in the the world. Show us your way today. Amen

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