Station 13: Jesus Dies
Used on Creative Commons: From French Church
Jesus died.
After enduring indignity after indignity Jesus simply dies. The text tells that nature responded. The sky was dark. Another gospel tells us that the earth shook.
The veil of the temple, which was this massive densely woven tapestry was torn straight down the middle. Jesus cried out to his father and died.
The hopes of many were seemingly dashed. This man they had followed for years who had spoken of a new kingdom and a new temple was dead. It was over. As you read today’s scripture passage consider how those who followed Jesus in those moments must have felt. Then read the following scripture.
It was now about noon and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon because of an eclipse of the sun. Then the veil of the temple was torn down the middle. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"; and when he had said this he breathed his last.
(Luke 23: 44-46)
As you consider the death of Jesus I invite you to do the following activity. Open the notes of app of your phone or take out a sheet of paper and write out all of your hopes that seem dashed. All of the things that have not necessarily gone according to plan.
When you have finished I invite you to pray over these things. Asked God to bring you comfort in the way that only he can. Trust that the God you praying to love and cares for you. When you are done pray the following prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ our crucified king draw near to us right now. Lord, we know that on this day it seems like all hope was lost. There have been times in our lives when it seemed like hope was gone. Help us now to both sit with the loss and look forward to the future.